Artist Statement:
There were no more trees, and the cities reeked of nothingness. Large black skyscrapers darkened the sky. I was wordlessly received by a woman. I followed her into the largest of the complexes. Lightless rooms acted as a lift-maze and she pointed out where I had to stand. The room then proceeded to move in sections. This took us deeper and deeper into the building. Standing in the wrong place would have resulted in my body being crushed. The woman mentioned casually that this device was built to suppress uprisings and rebellions.
We eventually arrived in a vast room where thousands of people sat in front of dark screens. Staring emotionlessly, they controlled the machines. I was handed over to two men, one of whom explained the achievement of the local system: 80% of the global value added (creation) took place in this building and hunger and poverty could be eradicated. My stomach growled; I hadn’t eaten in days. The other man smirked and pointed to a round wooden table – the only thing still exuding a glimmer of life – and said that people used to drink beer around it and enjoy blowing rings of cigarette smoke into the air. But these wretched and stupid creatures were no more, he said, laughing out loud. I was then transferred to another building. Thousands of beds with people in cages stretching to infinity.
Tubes hung from their arms, slowly and steadily draining their blood. The woman who now accompanied me again pointed to the people and explained that these individuals were all potentially at risk of getting sick. Thus, their blood was being drained preemptively while they were still healthy. Then I found myself in a small hut and began to paint. I wanted to remind others of the life that could be and draw attention to the grievances. When I returned from a walk through the last grove still in existence, some old friends were standing outside the hut saying they had brought help. Several men dressed in black took fingerprints from the brushes and my hands. They sedated me. When I came to, I was holding a silver tray in one hand. On it was my face, my heart, and a piece of my brain – all neatly severed. With my other hand I grasped my heart which was still connected to my body via tubes. My forearm was burning but I kept pumping even though I knew the end was near – delaying death just a little longer – and I knew that I would paint again.
In my works, I search for an expression of the disruption and alienation that surround me in a seemingly dystopian world. My visual language arises from an intense exploration of death, its suppression, and the resulting loss of humanity.It is a reflection on the life that could be and the life that may come. A profound experience beyond conscious realms brought me into a sterile and soulless world of machine-like humans in which life had been degraded to a mere tool. Amid this darkness, I found myself in a small hut and began to paint—not as an escape, but as an act of resistance. With every brushstroke, I sought to emphasize the fragility of life, to reveal the potential of a world filled with empathy and beauty, and to draw attention to the injustices that surround us all in the invisible. My paintings invite you to experience the suspension between decay and renewal. They are fragmented reflections of a reality that has disintegrated into its individual parts. I take up these fragments to provide a new perspective on our relationship with the world and to ourselves. To me, painting is an act of remembrance and a call to awareness. It preserves what defines us and serves as a reminder that change is possible – despite all the darkness.
● Kraftwerkhalle Aarau, 2022
● Zwischen Müllerhaus Lenzburg, 2023
● Art Meets Pasta Berlino, 2024
● Gallerie Gleis 4 Zug, 2025
● Espace Art Gallery Bruxelles, 2025
● Galleria 360 Firenze, 2025